Arska firmware update

Arska installation and basic configuration - video tutorial

Arskan perusasetukset ja sääntöjen luonti sääntöpohjien avulla (in Finnish)

Selecting right release

Update 13.12.2023: Version 1.1.0-beta1 supports direct updates from energy meters with a HAN P1 port and it has experimental load management. Read more the new features. Version 1.00.00-rc1 is recommended for production environments.

Update 27.5.2023: Version 0.99.1-beta2 has a new user interface, utilize FMI energy weather forecast and has a lot of new variables and rule templates. Read more. You need a cable connection for upgrading the software from pre 0.99 version.

There can be pre-release versions of the software available for installatation. Following markings are used indicate to the degree of stability of the software:

More information including source code and licence you can find on Github project page . There is no warranty for this free software.

Install or upgrade using cable connection

You can upload the firmware to your ESP device directly from here. Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser required.

  1. If you have an existing setup, backup configuration from the Admin page
  2. Plug in your ESP to an USB port directly or through a UART-TTL module
  3. Select the firmware in the box below.
  4. Click the install button and choose the port that the ESP is connected to. "Erase device" is optional and will clear all your settings.
  5. Wait until the process is complete.
  6. Once completed you can configure your WiFi settings with console (enter Wifi number from the list and password) or connecting to a temporary configuration Wifi network Arska-XXXXXXX and going to url (admin/arska) with your browser.
  7. If needed, enter new configuration or restore previous configuration from backup.
Troubleshooting tips


Download files for install over WiFi

If you do not have a cable connection to your ESP32 devices and want to update existing Arska installation over wifi connection, select version and download files (firmware.bin, littlefs.bin) from the links below. Then goto Arska admin page and select Firmware update (takes you to url http://[ip address]/update) and upload both files starting from firmware.bin. After firmware.bin update Arska tries automatically update littlefs.bin, so manual update of the second file may not be needed. Always backup you configuration before updating firmware.bin file.

ESP32 generic, 6 channels

Version Program Filesystem
1.00.0-stablefirmware.bin (2024-05-05 10:19 UTC)
littlefs.bin (2024-05-05 10:19 UTC)
1.1.0-rc1firmware.bin (2024-08-04 18:04 UTC)
littlefs.bin (2024-08-04 18:04 UTC)
1.1.0-beta10firmware.bin (2024-10-27 09:12 UTC)
littlefs.bin (2024-10-27 09:12 UTC)
1.1.0-beta11firmware.bin (2024-12-01 15:30 UTC)
littlefs.bin (2024-12-01 15:30 UTC)

ESP32S3, 6 channels

Version Program Filesystem
1.1.0-rc1firmware.bin (2024-08-04 18:04 UTC)
littlefs.bin (2024-08-04 18:04 UTC)
1.1.0-beta10firmware.bin (2024-10-27 09:20 UTC)
littlefs.bin (2024-10-27 09:20 UTC)
1.1.0-beta11firmware.bin (2024-12-01 15:30 UTC)
littlefs.bin (2024-12-01 15:30 UTC)

Hardware templates

To configure relay GPIO numbers using preselected settings (at the Admin page), you can select the hardware template id associated with your ESP32 relay board model. Supported hardware with template codes.

Installation troubleshooting

Update tool:ESP Web Tools